Inside CalWatchdog!

Anthony Pignataro:

The following is a transcipt of an actual conversation that took place this morning at CalWatchdog’s world headquarters in Sacramento, California:

ANTHONY PIGNATARO: Oh, this is good!


PIGNATARO: SB 624 — Gloria Romero’s new bill that would stop serpentine from being our state’s official rock. It’s in today’s Bee.

GRIMES: What?!

PIGNATARO: Yeah, apparently it’s toxic. Guess people are eating too much serpentine. And the bill comes up for discussion today in the Natural Resources Committee!

GRIMES: Lovely.

PIGNATARO [looking up SB 624 online]: Don’t you love it when an amended bill bears no resemblance to its original form? That’s what happened here — the bill originally dealt with Integrated Waste Management and solid waste, but now it’s just about the state rock.

GRIMES: Dear God.

PIGNATARO [going back to Bee story]: Anyway, the Bee says serpentine first got its title back in 1965, and we were the first state to do so. But if this bill passes, the state won’t have any official rock anymore.

GRIMES [trying to work]: That’s too bad.

PIGNATARO [reading rest of Bee article]: California has an official state fossil?

GRIMES: Yeah. His name is Jerry Brown.

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