Another Republican Message. Or Not.

by CalWatchdog Staff | February 28, 2010 8:52 pm

I attended the Sacramento County Republican Party Crab Feed this evening. The event was fun and very well attended.

There were plenty of sincere Republicans present, candidates, party regulars, young and old.

Congressman Dan Lungren spoke… for too long… and it went on… and on… a total stump speech. People kept talking because the information has been heard before. A Lungren operative went from table to table insisting that everyone cease their discussions and listen, but there was not anything new or pertinent or even relevant in what Congressman Lungren was saying. And then he promptly left the party.

Assembly member Ted Gaines attended. He sat at tables and chatted with folks he knew… like a guy attending a party. Crazy. What a concept.

I talked to two young Senate fellow, media personalities, friends, Facebook friends I’ve never met face-to-face, old friends and new acquaintances.

Opportunities to speak are plentiful for politicians, but making the most of a situation with sincerity and relevance never falls short on the folks in attendance, regardless of the event.

The disturbing evidence of living in a bubble in congress, in Washington D.C. is evident in both parties, even if you are ideologically in sync… or not.

Red Rover, red rover… here in the district… remember us?

-Katy Grimes

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