by CalWatchdog Staff | June 24, 2010 6:04 pm
John Seiler:
Democrats are being foolish in attacking “Grizzly Mom” Sarah Palin[1] for endorsing Carly Fiorina for U.S. Senate. Carly is smart for welcoming Sarah’s support.
Dems forget that the one time John McCain led in the election against their man Obama was just after he picked the Grizzly Mom to be his vice president. Then, a couple of days later, McCain blew it by backing President Bush’s TARP bailout of Wall St. by Main St., lost the votes of a large swath of Middle America, and in so doing put Obama in the Oval Office.
I’m not a supporter of Sarah because she’s pro-war. But I understand why people like Sarah. She’s cute. She’s not afraid to be feminine. She joins the guys in shooting animals. She’s a Mom involved with her kids and husband. She got involved in politics to clean up a sleazy “old boys’ network.” She’s quirky. She looks like she’d be fun to be around. (Did I mention she’s cute?)
The Dems even made a Web site[2] attacking Sarah for endorsing Carly. It includes a video. Republicans should pay them for this video! It shows Sarah-Carly to be pro-life, pro-gun, and pro-energy — all winning issues.
Does Barbara Boxer know what’s going on with her campaign? Or has she been in Washington so long she’s out of touch with real Californians?
Here’s the video:
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