by CalWatchdog Staff | December 8, 2010 3:57 pm
Steven Greenhut: At the governor-elect’s budget briefing today, Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg — always the voice of the public sector — asked what percentage of the state’s 12-percent-plus unemployment rate was caused by the unemployment of public sector workers. It wasn’t so much a question as a mini-speech — designed to suggest that public employees are suffering and there’s no more room to cut the government. Jerry Brown made it clear that government cuts (such as they are given that few government employees have actually lost their jobs) are a tiny portion of the state’s massive economy. Earth to Steinberg: The state’s high unemployment rate is because of losses to the private sector thanks to the high-tax, big-spending, regulatory climate promoted by Steinberg and his colleagues. If he really thinks that government layoffs are a large percentage of the unemployment rate, I wonder what other economic fantasies he believes.
DEC. 8
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