by CalWatchdog Staff | December 16, 2010 3:43 pm
Anthony Pignataro:
Thought that would grab you. But seriously, the California chapter of the National Organization of Women (NOW) has filed official criminal complaints with district attorneys across the state against Hooters[1], the Atlanta-based chain of restaurants that feature really beautiful, voluptuous waitresses and really awful food. But it’s not the dolphin shorts or even the deep-fried chicken wings that have NOW’s feathers ruffled — no, they’re taking umbrage at Hooter’s insistence on being a “family restaurant.” You know, the kind that encourages parents to bring their kids.
“Hooters identifies itself to the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission (EEOC) and on its website as a place of ‘vicarious sexual entertainment’ and not as a family restaurant,” reads a NOW letter, dated Dec. 16, that was sent to Sacramento County District Attorney Jan Scully (NOW’s website mentions that similar complaints were filed with police departments and DAs in San Francisco, San Bruno and Orange counties, as well as the state Attorney General). “It is on the basis of this status as a provider of ‘vicarious sexual entertainment’ and not a ‘family restaurant’ that they avoid compliance with EEOC prohibitions against sexual discrimination. Yet Hooters, Inc. operates as a family restaurant in San Francisco, California without complying with state or local sexual entertainment licensing and security requirements.”
Sigh. None of the NOW letters or statements I reviewed indicate if any NOW representatives actually visited a Hooters. Well, I did, once, about a decade ago, and can report with studied authority that the place is not at all “vicarious” and/or “sexual.” It’s actually kind of creepy, or at least, it was when my buddy and I visited. We sat at the bar, but decided to leave when the bartender for some reason thought it fitting and proper to stand in front of us while prying off her fake fingernails with a toothpick.
Anyway, click here [2]if you want to read California NOW’s complaint.
DEC. 16, 2010
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