by CalWatchdog Staff | December 30, 2010 9:39 am
John Seiler:
Californians need to be firm: No new taxes!
Because the tax wasters are cooking up tax increases right now, reports the Bee[1]:
Gov.-elect Jerry Brown will propose a ballot measure to extend temporary tax hikes set to expire next year….
The tax package, planned for the June ballot, would extend higher vehicle, sales and income tax rates.
See how they’re framing it? Extending “temporary tax hikes.” But why do temporary tax hikes keep going — and going and going and going?
If you put a temporary tax in place, and it expires, then the new tax is — this will be a surprise to government addicts — a new tax!
And they place on the people the burden of yet another election. We’ve had at least one every year for the past decade. Can’t they leave us alone? Can’t the governor and Legislature do their jobs without coming to us every few months for approval? If they can’t do their jobs — as clearly they can’t — then let’s just get rid of the governorship and the legislators’ seats, and settle everything by ballot initiatives.
The problem remains not too little taxing, but too much spending. That’s why we have deficits. Outgoing Gov. Arnold “Spend! Spend! Spend!” Schwarzenegger-Kennedy-Shriver, directed by his leftist Kennedy wife, Maria Shriver-Kennedy-Stalin, overspent the state into penury.
How about this: Cut all government departments 20%. The real people of California — those paying the bills and suffering the outrages government foists upon us — wouldn’t feel it except that the government they’re forced to deal with would be more efficient.
[2]Anyone who knows anything about government knows there’s waste there of at least 50%.
And increasing taxes now will only throw California’s sluggish, repressed economy into a Depression.
Now we have to gear up for another fight against new taxes. We defeated the max-taxers in May 2009 and November 2010. We can defeat the tax velociraptors again in June 2011.
No new taxes!
Dec. 30, 2010
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