Union Ally Paul Cook Eyes Senate

by CalWatchdog Staff | January 31, 2011 4:54 pm

Steven Greenhut: The Riverside Press-Enterprise reported[1] today that Assemblyman Paul Cook, R-Yucca Valley, is running for state Senate, which perhaps explains why Cook was seen last week at a union rally where left-wing unionistas decried budget cuts. Cook was there to save the wasteful Euro-socialist program that turns family members into dues-paying union members who get paid to take care of their own family members. Also there was Jim Silva, the big-government union Republican from Orange County and Brian Nestande from Palm Desert. Silva also is running for Senate. Perhaps we are seeing the results of the new open primary system. In the past, liberal Republicans had to pretend to be conservative to win GOP primaries. Now they can follow their natural pro-union, big-spending tendencies given that there is no real primary any more.  This is the first evidence that the system is working as its designers planned it. Of course, this will work to the detriment of taxpayers.

JAN. 31, 2011

  1. The Riverside Press-Enterprise reported: http://www.pe.com/localnews/politics/stories/PE_News_Local_D_polnote31.23a5d2b.html

Source URL: https://calwatchdog.com/2011/01/31/union-ally-paul-cook-eyes-senate/