Garden Grove: Store owner uses handgun to chase away armed robbers

by CalWatchdog Staff | August 1, 2012 12:51 pm

[1]Aug. 1, 2012

By John Seiler

This is why we need guns. And why the government shouldn’t take them from innocent people.

Just hours ago, five robbers, two armed, invaded a jewelry store in Garden Grove. Who knows what they might have done. They might have murdered all the patrons and the owner.

But the brave 65-year-old owner chased the hoodlums away — wielding a handgun, which she fired at the criminals.

The cops weren’t there. They came later. I’m not blaming them. They can’t be everywhere.

Your only defense against crime is to arm yourself.

There isn’t a YouTube, but click here for the story[2] and a surveillance video of the robbery and the owner’s heroic response.

The Main Stream Media publicize such horrors as the mass shooting in Aurora, Colo. two weeks ago. But you almost never hear about people using guns to thwart crime, even though happens hundreds of times a day across America.

  1. [Image]:
  2. e for the story:

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