How about a $100 per hour minimum wage?

by CalWatchdog Staff | April 25, 2013 9:25 am

Unemployment Line - Depression[1]April 25, 2013

By John Seiler

The Democrats who run California believe they are “progressives.” They want to “help the poor, the working classes, the proletariat.”


Their latest sop to the oppressed: they want to increase the minimum wage only to $9.25 an hour from $8. But who can live on $9.25 an hour in expensive California? That works out to only $19,240 a year.

If they really want to help the working poor, they should increase the minimum wage to $100 an hour. That would be $208,000 a year. With that wage, people also would qualify to pay for the higher state income taxes from Proposition 30, which voters passed last year.

So the $100 minimum wage would help the state budget, too.

It’s perfect: The working poor finally would have enough money to live here. Their higher wages would be spent goods and services that would employ other people — at $100 an hour as well. The higher wages would generate much higher tax revenues for the state government.

There’s no way anyone could be hurt. Progressives need to start the logs rolling for the $100 minimum wage.


  1. [Image]:

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