by CalWatchdog Staff | June 24, 2013 4:12 pm
[1]June 24, 2013
By John Seiler
I used to be a big sports fan. But except for sporadic games in the other professional leagues, the only one I follow anymore is the NFL. I don’t know why.
The game is owned and controlled by crony capitalists who know how to trick taxpayers into supporting billion-dollar stadiums. That means the NFL has hefty political connection to federal, state and local governments.
So it’s not surprising that the NFL now is repaying the favors it has gotten from government. Reports The Hill[2]:
“Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said Monday she is in talks with the NFL to help promote new insurance options under ObamaCare.
“Sebelius said the football league has been “very actively and enthusiastically engaged” in discussions about a partnership to encourage people to enroll in newly available insurance plans….
“Partnerships with sports organizations are especially promising to HHS because the department hopes large numbers of young, healthy men will enroll in the law’s new coverage options.”
Tricking young people to join is crucial because they tend to be much healthier. So they would pay a lot into the system, and take little out.
But what’s in it for the kids? Nothing. Just getting ripped off again.
Already they pay 15.3 percent of their pay (including the “employer” half actually paid by the employee) for Socialist Security and Medicare, two socialist schemes about to go broke[3].
But, hey, most youngsters supported Obama, so now they’re going to have to pay for Obamacare. Their alternative was to vote for Romney, whose Romneycare in Massachusetts was the progenitor of Obamcare. So the kids had a big choice there — except they didn’t.
Even more than for the rest of us, for kids these days the American political system is just one big lie supporting one big ripoff.
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