by John Seiler | February 8, 2014 1:10 am
Those who still believe the “global warming” myth should become “Yoopers.” That’s Michiganese for “U.P.-ers,” those who live in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.
Because you sure won’t suffer any meltdown there. According to Michigan Live:[1]
“Lake Superior is almost frozen over as of yesterday February 5, 2014. Lake Superior is 92 percent covered with ice now. The ice has increased rapidly in the past week, from 76 percent ice cover on January 30, 2014. The high resolution satellite picture from February 3, 2014 shows all of the ice cover on Lake Superior. The current ice cover on Lake Superior is the highest amount ever for February 5. In 1994, Lake Superior was reportedly 91 percent covered in ice.”
I grew up in Michigan near Detroit and remember the frigid winters of the mid-1970s, where the temperatures dropped to -30 degrees Fahrenheit — before windchill. You just shuffled between your home, your car and your job or the store, trying to avoid frostbite. Now it’s even worse.
Meanwhile, back in California, AB 32, the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006[2], remains in effect, the state’s effort to make Lake Superior and the rest of the world even cooler. It’s forcing California industries to cut greenhouse gases by 25 percent by 2020.
According to the bill’s text, which was signed into law by then-Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who must have thought it strange that winters were so much warmer in California than in the Austria he grew up in:
“National and international actions are necessary to fully address the issue of global warming. However, action taken by California to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases will have far-reaching effects by encouraging other states, the federal government, and other countries to act.”
Schwarzenegger, bill author Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez, and the other legislators who voted for AB 32, along with big AB 32 supporter Gov. Jerry Brown, should move to the shore of Lake Superior and tell that passage to the Yoopers.
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