CalWatchdog Morning Read – September 1

by CalWatchdog Staff | September 1, 2016 8:26 am

Good morning. Welcome to the first day of September and the morning after the last day of legislative session. While the last day was tamer than some years past, the whole thing didn’t slip by without some big actions.

For example, Gov. Jerry Brown and legislators reached an agreement on Wednesday on what to do with around a billion dollars of cap-and-trade revenue.

The deal was announced earlier in the day and was approved by dinner after a longstanding battle between legislative leadership, who had a long list[1] of ways to spend the money, and Brown, who had yet to give his blessing.

“California’s combating climate change on all fronts and this plan gets us the most bang for the buck,” Brown said in a statement when the deal was announced. “It directs hundreds of millions where it’s needed most – to help disadvantaged communities, curb dangerous super pollutants and cut petroleum use – while saving some for the future.” 

The spending plan comes at an interesting time for the cap-and-trade program, as the last two quarterly auctions have fallen flat, greatly missing revenue targets, and the program itself faces legal challenges as opponents argue it’s an illegal tax.

CalWatchdog[2] has more. 

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  1. a long list:
  2. CalWatchdog:
  3. Los Angeles Times:
  4. The San Jose Mercury News:
  5. Capital Public Radio:
  6. The Sacramento Bee:
  7. The Sacramento Bee:

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