CalWatchdog Morning Read – September 6

by CalWatchdog Staff | September 6, 2016 8:47 am

Welcome back from Labor Day weekend. Campaigns are racing to the November finish line, which means if you haven’t had enough politics in your life up to this point, you’re in luck. And if you feel like you’ve had more than enough — then it’ll be a long few months.

And some campaigns never seem to end, as is the case with the right-to-die law signed by Gov. Jerry Brown last year. The law’s passage triggered elation among the state groups[1] which had fought for years to allow doctors to give people with terminal illnesses lethal doses of drugs to end their lives.

A key sponsor — Sen. Bill Monning, D-Carmel — said the law’s enactment “marks a historic day in California.” The law took effect in June and will remain in place for 10 years.

But attempts to block the law have never stopped. Backers of a lawsuit seeking to scrap the measure may have lost the battle last week in a Riverside County courtroom, but they appear to still have a chance to win the war.

CalWatchdog[2] has more.

In other news:


Gov. Brown:


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  1. groups:
  2. CalWatchdog:
  3. The Orange County Register:
  4. The San Jose Mercury News:
  5. The Sacramento Bee:
  6. The San Jose Mercury News:

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