CalWatchdog Morning Read – November 9
by CalWatchdog Staff | November 9, 2016 8:19 am
Supermajority eludes Democrats
- Ballot measure breakdown
- Congressional update
Good morning. As you know, Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States in what felt like another mini Republican wave election.
In fact, Republicans seemed to have fought off a Democratic supermajority in the state Legislature Tuesday night, according to early returns.
With a supermajority, Democrats would be able to increase taxes, override gubernatorial vetoes and send measures to the ballot without Republican support. Democrats need two seats in the Assembly and one in the Senate in order to hold a supermajority — both chambers are a must.
But as of just before 2 a.m., Republicans looked like they would hold their seats in the Senate.
CalWatchdog[1] has more.
In other news, here’s how the ballot measures did, according to the Los Angeles Times[2]:
- The $9 billion in school bonds passed.
- Medi-Cal funding measure passed.
- Statewide vote on bonds of $2 billion or more was too close to call.
- Legislative transparency measure passed.
- Extension of Prop. 30 passed.
- Tobacco tax passed.
- Parole measure passed.
- Repeal of ban on bilingual education passed.
- The Citizens United advisory measure was too close to call.
- Condoms in porn was too close to call.
- The pharmaceutical pricing measure was too close to call.
- Death Penalty repeal was too close to call.
- Ammo regulation passed.
- Recreational pot was legalized.
- The measure redirecting the plastic bag fee did not pass.
- The measure to speed up Death Penalty appeals was too close to call.
- The plastic bag referendum was too close to call.
And in Congress:
- Attorney General Kamala Harris was elected to U.S. Senate.
- Democrat Ro Khanna knocked off Rep. Mike Honda, a fellow Dem. This was the only California Congressional incumbent to have been declared defeated last night.
Scheduling in Legislature:
Gov. Brown:
- No public events announced.
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Endnotes:- CalWatchdog:
- Los Angeles Times:
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