CalWatchdog Morning Read – January 10

by CalWatchdog Staff | January 10, 2017 9:10 am

Good morning! Lots going on today. Gov. Brown will introduce his budget this morning, while his nominee for attorney general, Rep. Xavier Becerra, D-Los Angeles, receives his first hearing.

But beyond the day’s headlines, six weeks after some 900 computers used by the San Francisco Municipal Railroad were hacked [1]with ransomware, many concerns remain about the incident — especially as coverage of U.S. cyber vulnerabilities has become more extensive[2] than ever.

San Francisco’s light-rail system, known as Muni, faced an emailed demand from an unknown hacker that he be paid about $73,000 in bitcoins if it wanted to regain control of the computers.

Apparently in fear that more computers had been hacked than the ones displaying a message, “You Hacked, ALL Data Encrypted,” the transit agency shut off ticket machines and fare gates at rail stations from the morning of Friday, Nov. 25, through Sunday, Nov. 27, allowing passengers free rides that weekend.

The following Monday, Muni officials announced that not only had they not paid the ransom, they never even considered paying it, confident in their tech prowess. Many targeted companies and organizations feel they have no choice. Last April, the Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center in Los Angeles paid nearly $17,000 in bitcoins to recover access to data that had been encrypted by hackers.

Federal and state security officials have kept mum about the attack since it happened.

CalWatchdog[3] has more.

In other news:


Gov. Brown:


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  1. hacked :
  2. more extensive:
  3. CalWatchdog:
  4. The San Jose Mercury News:
  5. have to decide :
  6. CalWatchdog:
  7. Los Angeles Times:
  8. Los Angeles Times:
  9. Unveiling:

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