Tag "Katy Grimes"

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The entitlement society Halloween

Perhaps because of my Gaelic Irish and Welsh heritage, I’ve always loved Halloween. Traditions from the old Celtic countries Wales, Brittany, Ireland, Cornwall, and the Isle of Man, influenced today’s Halloween customs. But today’s Halloween is a wee bit different

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Enviro CA: Green for thee, but not for me

California has gone green: mandatory recycling, plastic bags bans, hybrid and electric cars, wind and solar energy, and the state has gone paperless… well, not entirely paperless. Assemblyman Tim Donnelly said he discovered something this week: the Capitol is not

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ALRB forcing unionization on farm workers

UPDATE: It was reported the Agricultural Labor Relations Board has reversed its Monday decision, which would have blocked the Gerawan farm workers’ second attempt to hold an election to determine if the United Farm Workers of America should represent them.

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FPPC on ‘dark money’ witch hunt

Just in time for Halloween, the Fair Political Practices Commission completed a modern-day witch-hunt last week, looking for “dark money.” Ann Ravel, the outgoing chair of the California Fair Political Practices Commission, had accused libertarian philanthropists Charles and David Koch

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Hey Sacramento — publicly-funded arenas are bad for business

While running record deficits, Sacramento’s Mayor Kevin Johnson and city officials approved a $447.7 million arena deal at the Downtown Plaza in March, claiming a public-private partnership – only the private contributions amount to about one-third. Sacramento’s publicly funded arena deal

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Non-profit accused of 'money laundering,' exonerated, but fined

The California Fair Political Practices Commission is announcing today at noon they have reached a settlement in the investigation into the mysterious $11-million donation from an Arizona nonprofit, during the 2012 California general election. One of the groups accused of the

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Is Jerry Brown eyeing the White House again?

Gov. Jerry Brown’s crack public relations team has been hard at work convincing the rest of the country that he has sparked a California turnaround. The New Republic even recommended to President Obama that, in his second term, he should

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FPPC to announce settlement in Arizona donor case

The California Fair Political Practices Commission will announce today at noon they have  reached a settlement in the investigation into the mysterious $11-million donation from an Arizona nonprofit, during the 2012 California general election. FPPC Chairwoman Ann Ravel, a Democrat, is

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Tweaking the Sept. jobs report

I'm no mathematician, but I understand economics. It doesn't take a professional to see the “jobs, jobs, jobs” campaign rallying cries seem to be falling on deaf ears. Unemployment may have dropped a driblet, but it remains historically high. And

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Could 12,000 lawmakers fix what ails California?

The one thing m how to get your ex back ost Democrats and Republicans seem to agree on is that special interests have too much influence in politics. The little guy is feeling less and less relevant — especially at

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