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Tag "Mike Gipson"

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Despite several big environmental wins during last days of session, one big bill got away

Democrats will walk away from the two-year legislative session that ended Thursday morning with a long list of environmental accomplishments — but still one got away.  A bill sponsored by Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de Leon, D-Los Angeles, would

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UC mounted PR blitz to counter harsh state audit

UC Davis Chancellor Linda P.B. Katehi was suspended by UC President Janet Napolitano in April soon after the Sacramento Bee discovered that UC Davis had paid at least $175,000 to consultants to try to remove online references to a 2011 incident in

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Concerns raised over taxpayer disclosure bill

A bill that recently passed the state Assembly would make it easier to disclose confidential tax information and harass businesses, warn Republican legislators. But Assemblyman Mike Gipson, D-Carson, the author of Assembly Bill 567, asserts that his measure simply increases

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Black Caucus brings its clout to CA school funding fight

The Local Control Funding Formula, enacted in 2013, is supposed to make sure more education dollars are used in ways that specifically help struggling students. Gov. Jerry Brown pushed for the education funding change because he said it was crucial

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