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Tag "surveillance"

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FBI startles CA with secret courthouse surveillance

  Touching off another national controversy centered around California, the Federal Bureau of Investigation was discovered to have concealed video and audio monitoring devices around a courthouse in the San Francisco East Bay five to six years ago. “Federal agents planted

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CA drone industry rises high

Thanks to its familiar combination of tech smarts and unorthodox lifestyle, the Golden State has become the epicenter of the drone revolution. According to CB Insights, the Los Angeles Times reported, “Northern California is the headquarters of six of the 10 American

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ACLU lawsuit challenges secret phone-tracker programs

Police departments may have been tracking your every move without a warrant. But the full extent of the program — and its total cost to California taxpayers — has been kept secret. A year ago the American Civil Liberties Union of

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Silicon Valley sheriffs push cellphone surveillance

It’s not just the immense amount of information collected by such tech giants as Apple, Google and Facebook that is riling privacy advocates. Now the Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Department is seeking new cellphone surveillance technology — paid for by federal funds from

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Warrantless drone ban hovers over Brown’s desk

With a stroke of his pen, Gov. Jerry Brown could set the tone for state-level drone policy. After passing the Assembly and the state Senate, AB1327 will await Brown’s signature until the end of September. Legislation regulating the use of drones by law

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CA lawmakers look to pull plug on NSA snooping

Big Brother might have to close his eyes. A new bipartisan bill would prohibit California’s cooperation with warrantless snooping by the National Security Agency. Senate Bill 828 is by state Sen. Ted Lieu, D-Redondo Beach. Invoking the Bill of Rights’ Fourth

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‘Techno-militarization’ seen in CA alarms tech intellectuals

The NSA scandal and the increasing use of technology to police and monitor all Americans, not just suspected terrorists around the world and in our midst, is a growing worry in Silicon Valley. CEOs fret that U.S. tech firms will

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