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Sacramento Bee helping with Brown campaign

MAY 31, 2010

Katy Grimes: The Sacramento Bee has been very critical of the Poizner/Whitman Republican primary gubernatorial race. That’s expected, but now it appears that The Bee editorial board is not only falling all over themselves to write about Jerry Brown, but they are tipping their hand toward the unopposed Brown. Brown does not have a primary opponent, yet the Bee has run several recent in-depth stories about Brown’s entire career including his previous two terms as governor.

The Bee has been blowing their teeth out about Jerry in another liberal love-fest.

Brown is responsible for creating the public employee unions in California, and signed the legislation that unionized the state’s government employees. Brown devastated  I-5 by cutting lanes and killing on and off ramps already in progress.

He then he set his sites on Oakland. Crime was at an all time high in the state during Brown’s governorship, and Oakland fell into the abyss again under his mayoral charm.

For The Sacramento Bee to start promoting Jerry Brown even before the primary election shows that they are once again trying to manipulate instead of reporting. The comments left by readers are telling. My favorite – “I remember the train wreck of the Brown Administration. I remember Mario Obledo and Rose Bird, Cruz Reynoso just to name a few. The one Court of Appeals Justice he appointed who got busted for having a grow operation in his Berkeley house. We had a far better legislature back then to keep things in check, unlike the freak show we have voted in at this time. He did nothing for the city of Oakland but bring the murder rate up and then tried to allow his unappointed wife run our Attorney General’s Office. It does not matter who wins, California will lose and generations will continue to suffer from the result.”

Ballotpedia writes, “Brown often proposed unorthodox ideas, including the establishment of a state space academy and the purchasing of a satellite that would be launched into orbit to provide emergency communications for the state—a proposal similar to one that would indeed be adopted by the state. In 1978, Chicago Tribune columnist Mike Royko nicknamed Brown “Governor Moonbeam” because of the latter idea.”

Brown ran three times for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States, and he attempted a run for Senate.

Brown’s two terms as Oakland Mayor was less than impressive. Ballotpedia writes that the murder rate in Oakland in the first two months of 2006 was triple what it was during the same time period the year before. [19] Two years later, the CQ Press annual report ranked Oakland the fifth-highest crime rate among U.S. cities in 2007. [20] These statistics have led critics to suggest that Brown had failed as mayor to make the city safer.

Brown appears to be seeking yet another government office in spite of his failed runs.

Already endorsed by the SEIU, the state teachers union, Democrat Brown, instead of being The People’s Governor, is really the SEIU and public employee Governor. Remember his appeal to labor unions to do the dirty work for him, and let him be the good guy during the campaign? Jerry Brown urges unions to ‘attack’| PolitiCal | Los Angeles Times. The Los Angeles Times reported that Brown said, “We’re going to attack whenever we can, but I’d rather have you attack,” Brown said at a gathering of the California delegation of the Laborers’ International Union of North America in Sacramento. “I’d rather be the nice guy in this race. We’ll leave [the attacks] to … the Democratic Party and others.”

The election will get really interesting once the primary is over.

Jerry Brown – Ballotpedia

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