State mulls tough renewables law
JUNE 30, 2010 By JOHN SEILER The dream of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and a majority of the California Legislature is to move California into a green future. Carbon-based fuels will be sharply reduced in favor of battery power, which will
Read MoreA High-speed math problem
JUNE 24, 2010 By JT LONG A month after a report by the California State Auditor warned of possible delays to a planned $42 billion California High Speed Rail project due to inadequate oversight, a veteran private sector CEO brought
Read MoreDeflating green-jobs bubble
JUNE 22, 2010 By WAYNE LUSVARDI The California Jobs Initiative on the upcoming November ballot would suspend the green power provisions of Assembly Bill 32 (AB32) – the Global Warming Solutions Act – until the unemployment rate drops to 5.5
Read MoreUneasy Riders
JUNE 18, 2010 The key is how many will ride the train. That’s all: how many people, say, 15 or 20 years from now, will buy a ticket for the California High Speed Rail train. You can’t figure out how
Read MoreProposed train demo all show, no go
JUNE 12, 2010 Apparently, 12.6 percent unemployment, a $20 billion budget deficit and half a trillion dollars in unfunded pension liabilities isn’t of a legacy for Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. Now he wants a bullet train running – in just five
Read MoreRail plan will crush land owners
JUNE 10, 2010 By ANTHONY PIGNATARO Jim Erickson is in a tough spot. If the proposed California High Speed Rail Route A-1 goes through Madera County, it will bisect his ranch. But if Route A-2 gets built, it will slice
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