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Meg crashes on John & Ken

John Seiler:

I heard Meg Whitman’s half-hour today on John & Ken’s radio show. While it was going on, this thought ran through my mind: “How did this woman earn $1.4 billion?”

She was hesitant and unable to come up with a coherent answer to any question. I’m still not sure what her position was on immigration.

It took them a while to get her position on AB 32, which would cut greenhouse gases 25% by 2020. She finally came out and said that, right now, she probably would oppose Prop. 23, which would suspend AB 32 until unemployment dropped to 5.5%.

But she said, as governor, she would suspend AB 32 for a year, at least; the law allows the governor to suspend it for up to three years.

But suspension, even for three years, would be almost worthless for businesses. As a top businesswoman (which she never stops reminding us), she well knows that businesses plan for a lot more than three years. If AB 32 remains law, then they’ll be making three-year plans to skedaddle out of California.

She said California has to lead in creating green jobs. But as John & Ken pointed out, businesses don’t need government assistance. Rather, they need government to get out of the way.

She also talked about how she had been consulting with her Silicon Valley pals about AB 32, and they thought it was a good thing. What do her pals know? Apple’s HQ is in California, but its devices are made in China and Korea, and it just put a server farm in North Carolina.

Basically, these rich Silicon Valley liberals, including Meg, want to make California an eco-utopia for their offices and homes, but to put the “dirty” parts of their industries in other states and countries.

Which is where millions of jobs are headed.

She’s hopeless. This is the most amateurish campaign I’ve ever seen, even more than Dan Lungren’s for governor in 1998.

Her dozens of consultants obviously knew they needed to put her on John & Ken, despite the risk, to avoid them calling her chicken after Jerry Brown has been on. So they lined it up for this afternoon today, the same time a judge released his opinion in the same-sex “marriage” lawsuit, hoping most attention would be diverted from their gal.

Their ploy didn’t work. Meg’s performance was so bad she should drop out of the race.

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