SB 34: Creature Crawls from Delta Lagoon
APRIL 29, 2011 By WAYNE LUSVARDI A bureaucratic creature has crawled from murky waters of the Sacramento Delta. What could be worse? The pork-laden $11 billion proposed California Water Bond, on the ballot in 2012, that does not include any new
Read MoreRail Authority "Ineffective"
Katy Grimes: When a lawmaker admits that an agency created from a bond measure that he supported and help get passed has grown ineffective and needs a serious makeover, it is evident that there is a problem. Democratic Sen. Alan Lowenthal
Read MoreFree the Rail Ridership Committee!
APRIL 27, 2011 You’d think that an agency spending millions of dollars on public relations would know to discuss one of its most controversial issues in public, where outside experts and members of the public can steadily review any and
Read MoreHigh-Speed Rail Crashes Into Legislature
APRIL 27, 2011 By KATY GRIMES The costs and the legislation for the California High-Speed Rail Authority keep speeding toward a train wreck. When the voters of California approved Proposition 1A in November 2008, they authorized $9.95 billion in general
Read MoreBoondoggle Train Already Obsolete
APRIL 21, 2011 The debate over whether to build an 800-mile network of bullet trains crisscrossing the state at speeds approaching 220 miles per hour is one of the most contentious we have today. Its projected cost of $45 billion
Read MoreCA’s Bond Rating Equals F-Minus Grade
APRIL 21, 2011 By WAYNE LUSVARDI Why is there such a large discrepancy between California State Treasurer Bill Lockyer’s assurances that the state is not broke and has plenty of money to pay off its bonds and the state’s effective
Read MoreGreen Catch-23 Hurts Hydro Power
APRIL 19, 2011 By WAYNE LUSVARDI If a Catch-22 is a choice between two equally undesirable alternatives, California’s mandate to purchase green power must be one more than a Catch-22 – it must be a Catch-23. This is because California’s
Read MoreSacto's Ongoing Redevelopment Disaster
APRIL 19, 2011 By RICHARD TRAINOR Since its inception in 1953, the Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency has been driven by scandals, sweetheart deals for connected developers, cockeyed projects and ineptitude. In 1991, this reporter wrote the official history of
Read MoreRebranding High Speed Rail
Katy Grimes: Another great idea from a few of California’s elected Democrats proposes a “blended system” integrating high speed rail with existing Caltrain service. Instead of saving California billions of dollars by chucking the plans for high speed rail right out
Read MoreHigh-Speed Rail Rides Again
APRIL 12, 2011 By KATY GRIMES Another attempt to stop the unchecked spending on high-speed rail was killed in committee on Monday on a party-line vote. That happened despite research proving that taxpayers cannot sustain the inevitable subsidy the project
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