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Arizona whites trust Latinos with concealed guns!

John Seiler: The caricature of Arizona presented by immigration activists, California politicians, and the Obama administration is that Arizona is intolerant toward Latinos. The new immigration law in AZ supposedly violates Latinos’ rights, and was imposed by the whites who control the state Legislature. Obama is challenging it in court. California activists and politicians have advanced boycotts of Arizona.

But you know what? In Arizona, the whites who control the Legislature actually trust Latinos with concealed guns! The Latinos don’t even need a permit. Any Latino who’s 21 years or older and is not a  felon can buy a gun and carry it around in his pocket, coat, or car. That’s according to a new law just passed by Arizona’s white Legislature.

By contrast, in California Latinos mostly are banned from carrying concealed weapons — even if they’re totally honest citizens, and even if their lives are threatened and they need protection. Let’s say a young Latino mother is threatened by her screwball Anglo ex-boyfriend. It takes 11 days just to get a gun, then she can only keep it at home, not carry it with her for self-defense.

The only exceptions are those getting special permission from county sheriffs, commonly (although not always) for political favors.

Clearly, Arizona is much more Latino-friendly that California.

Tags assigned to this article:
immigrationArizonaconcealed carryguns

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