There Ought To Be A Pat On Back

Steven Greenhut: California legislators sponsor a “There Ought To Be A Law Contest” to get ideas from constituents and students on, er, the new laws the state ought to have. Even some good solid Republicans go for this nonsense. We’ve often joked on our staff about the need for a contest on what laws ought to be eliminated, given that most of California’s problems are imposed by too many bad laws — the ones that tax, regulate and expand government, which is to say, most of them. Well, Sen. LaMalfa has introduced such a contest. Kudos for him.

My proposal: The Legislature should pass a law eliminating defined-benefit pension plans for public employees. And it should pass a law repealing the Copley decision so that police agencies can no longer hide information about their most abusive members. And the Legislature should repeal AB32 and … well, you get the idea.

Here is LaMalfa’s press release:

LaMalfa Introduces “There Ought Not To Be A Law” Contest

New Senator Puts Small-Government Twist on Popular Competition

(SACRAMENTO) – Senator Doug LaMalfa (R – Richvale) today announced the launch of his first annual “There Ought Not To Be A Law” contest. LaMalfa’s contest reflects his pledge to trim government red tape and eliminate the frivolous spending that created California’s $24 billion budget deficit. The Senator hopes to hear from constituents, educators, and employers which laws they believe are excessive, burdensome or out of date.

“Californians know which excessive laws and regulations should be abolished, so I’m going directly to the people for their suggestions,” said LaMalfa. “For example, with our state facing a budget deficit in the billions, the last thing we need is another bill to change the state rock.”

In addition to having an idea taken through the legislative process, the winner will be

invited to join Senator LaMalfa for lunch and will receive a California State flag that has been flown over the Capitol.  “There Ought Not To Be A Law” proposals can be submitted by filling out a simple form on Senator LaMalfa’s website at by Monday, January 10, 2011.

“The size, scope and cost of California’s government has grown tremendously in recent years and it is overdue to start cutting back,” added LaMalfa. The larger the government grows, the smaller the voice of the individual becomes. Let’s put the people first for a change.”

The contest winner will be announced in January and the winning bill proposal will be introduced with the Senator’s legislative package in February.

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