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Cancel Prop. 71 Stem Cell Funding?

Feb. 23, 2011 By WAYNE LUSVARDI On Feb. 9, the $123 million Ray and Dagmar Dolby Regenerative Medicine Building opened on the campus of the University of California, San Francisco to house the Eli and Edy Broad Center of Regeneration

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"Strange" Budget Process

Katy Grimes: Yesterday the Assembly passed a myriad of budget trailer bills. Sounds innocuous enough, right? Not according to Assemblyman Jim Nielsen who called the process “strange,” and said the trailer bills are really “individual budget bills.” Nielsen objected to

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Even Silicon Valley Ruined

John Seiler: The disastrous policies of federal, state and local governments have not spared even Silicon Valley. Sure, the top digital geeks still trek there. Companies like Facebook still locate there. But Facebook has only about 2,000 employees, many of

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CA Budget Still Needs Fumigation

Feb. 22, 2011 By JOHN SEILER As Gov. Jerry Brown and the state Legislature continue crafting a budget, skunks keep being thrown into the room. The biggest skunk is that the $146 billion California State Teachers’ Retirement System, CalSTRS, is effectively

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Courts' 2-Billion-Buck IT Bust

FEB. 22, 2011 By KATY GRIMES While courtrooms across the state are being closed, courthouse employees furloughed and criminal and civil cases taking record time to come to trial, the Administrative Office of the Courts refuses to halt the implementation

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Union Reforms Are Not Assaults

John Brinkman: President Barack Obama called recent the Wisconsin vote to curb unbridled union power “an assault on unions.” This is untrue. In fact, public sector unions have been exploiting the American taxpayer for decades while Democrats facilitated this situation.

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