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I Can't Afford a Tax Increase

John Seiler: I usually make coffee at home. But this morning, I got a Starbucks. Fishing around in my wallet for the money, I noticed I only had a couple of dollars left. Yet I recently patronized the cash machine.

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Brown's Punch & Judy Budget Show

MARCH 30, 2011 By JOHN SEILER California’s budget comedy resembles an old Punch & Judy puppet show, with Gov. Jerry Brown in the role of Punch, whom Wikipedia describes: He carries a stick as large as himself, which he freely uses

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Will High-Speed Rail Kill All Rail?

MARCH 30, 2011 The promise of California’s proposed high-speed rail network is unambiguous: the 800 miles of bullet trains across the state will run clean, make money, put people to work and get people out of their cars. “California’s high-speed

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Will High-Speed Rail Kill All Rail?

MARCH 30, 2011 The promise of California’s proposed high-speed rail network is unambiguous: the 800 miles of bullet trains across the state will run clean, make money, put people to work and get people out of their cars. “California’s high-speed

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Educators Threaten Classroom Cuts

Katy Grimes: The latest budget threat over Gov. Jerry Brown’s proposed tax extensions is coming from a group of school superintendents in the state who are urging Republican lawmakers to accept the tax extensions. Brown says the tax extensions will raise

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Wyland Bill Targets the 'Bill Factory'

MAR. 29, 2011 By KATY GRIMES The massive production process of the “bill factory” at the Capitol can be considered a success if quantity is the goal, rather than quality. More than 2,000 bills have already been introduced since January

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Logue Critical of Green Bill

Katy Grimes: There were outbursts and antics on the floor of the Assembly today while legislators debated a green energy bill authored by Democratic Sen. Joe Simitian (Palo Alto). SB 2 would increase California’s renewables portfolio standard to require all retail

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Who's Drinking the Budget Kool-Aid?

John Seiler: Some budget action might take place today. But who knows. Meanwhile, government apologist Peter Schrag charges that Republicans, “having swallowed Grover Norquist’s no-new-taxes Kool-Aid, and intimidated by a couple of Southern California radio talkers, would try to block

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