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Top 7 CA facts that Jerry Brown-loving national media always ignore

The national media’s love-in with Gov. Jerry Brown continues, with the latest fawnfest coming from Rolling Stone reporter Tim Dickinson. “Just two years ago, the idea that California could be a global model for anything was laughable. When Brown took

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SWATs Gone Wild

  A couple of days ago in this article I debated come commentators about cop SWAT teams. I pointed out how they commonly were abused, and we’d be better off without them. This new story comes from Charlottesville, Virginia, the

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German stormtroopers grab homeschooling children

Using a Nazi-era law that forced children to become “Hitler Youth,” German stormtroopers yesterday barged into the Wunderlich home in Darmstadt and grabbed the family’s four children, ages 7 to 14. Reported the Home School Legal Defense Association, whose heroic

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AB 917 would send charter schools to the back of the class

The popularity and success of California’s 900 charter schools aren’t making everyone happy. Union leaders have tried to organize the non-union schools, but unsuccessfully. New tactic: Hamper the charters’ spread. AB 917, which just passed both houses of the Legislature,

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Federal judge rebuffs CalPERS, OK’s San Bernardino bankruptcy

In a victory for taxpayers, a federal judge ruled Wednesday that the City of San Bernardino is eligible to file for bankruptcy. That trumped the claims of the California Public Employees Pension System that the court had the paramount right

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CSU, UC pressed to disinvest in fossil fuels

Raven Rutledge is a student at San Francisco State University. She has not summered as a Wall Street intern. She is not enrolled in SFSU’s MBA program. Yet, the environmental studies major played a lead role this summer in pressuring

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$1.2 billion in new jails still haven’t been built

  What incompetents. To ease overcrowding, in 2007 the Legislature authorized $1.2 billion for local jails to expand. That was before both the Great Recession hit. Before a federal judge ordered the state to reduce overcrowding in state prisons. And

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Bullet-train ruling: Mum’s the word from Times, Bee edit boards

Isn’t the fact that the bullet train is going down worthy, yunno, of editorial comment? Judge Michael Kenny’s Aug. 16 ruling that the California High-Speed Rail Authority had failed to meet funding and environmental standards that would allow it to

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Gun controllers fire volley of bills through Legislature

A new Harvard University study found that gun bans don’t lower the murder rate. That hasn’t prevented the California Legislature from firing a fusillade of new gun-control laws. AB 711, by Assemblyman Anthony Rendon, D-Lakewood, would make California the first state in the

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Chronicle, ACLU garble history

Are Americans this ignorant of history? Here’s the Chronicle story: Relic of the Red Scare about to vanish After 72 years, it’s time to say goodbye to the California Subversive Organizations Registration Law. Enacted in 1941 to require organizations to

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