CalWatchdog Morning Read – October 5
Wells Fargo fallout
- Trump’s past fallout
- Study: veterans and ex-cons suffer most from professional license mandate
- Legislative candidates go into debt
- W2W4 in tonight’s Senate debate
Good morning. Happy Hump Day. If last night’s vice presidential debate wasn’t enough debate for you, you’re in luck! Tonight, California’s two U.S. Senate candidates are having what could be their only debate.
We’ll get to the debate by the end of this newsletter. But first, more Wells Fargo fallout.
In the wake of California’s unprecedented punishment of San Francisco-based Wells Fargo for bogus lending practices, legal sanctions spread eastward, with other state officials and Hillary Clinton herself going after the bank. CalWatchdog has more.
In other news:
“CA golf club suit deepens Trump’s woes,” writes CalWatchdog.
“Add navigating California’s byzantine professional license standards to the list of obstacles a job applicant faces after leaving the military or getting out of prison. That system – in place since the Gold Rush – often places a disproportionate burden on some of the state’s most vulnerable residents, according to a new report…” The Sacramento Bee has more.
Candidates for the California Legislature are running into the red as they enter the campaign home stretch for the Nov. 8 election. Recently filed reports with the state show that campaign committees of candidates for the state Assembly and state Senate reported more than $4.6 million in outstanding debt as of Sept. 24. That is about one-third higher than the outstanding debt listed at the end of June,” writes The Sacramento Bee.
The Los Angeles Times explains what we should expect from tonight’s U.S. Senate debate.
- Gone ’til December.
Gov. Brown:
- >Speaking in Sacramento around 12:30 p.m. at the 10th anniversary celebration of the passage of AB32 (major environment legislation).
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