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Posts From Wayne Lusvardi

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Wayne Lusvardi

Wayne Lusvardi

California Solar Initiative: overhyped and underperforming

Now that the $2.167 billion California Solar Initiative is winding down, electricity ratepayers might ask: What was it and what did it accomplish? Was it: 1.) A cutting edge solar energy project to bring about a “self-sustaining” solar power industry,

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Cities on a future spending spree

Editor’s Note: This is the eighth in a Special Series of in-depth articles on municipal bankruptcy. Are the staggering forecasted public pension obligations facing state and local governments in California the result of overspending or under-taxation? The technical answer to this

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California counties are more at risk of going belly up

Editor’s Note: This is the fifth in a Special Series of 12 in-depth articles on municipal bankruptcy. There are many California cities likely to be facing future stress to their operating fund budgets because of rising public pension obligations.

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