California economy
Back to homepageActual state residents would struggle to recognize Paul Krugman’s California
What is it about California that inspires such insistently cheerful happy talk from New York Times columnist/Princeton professor Paul Krugman? This spring he claimed that California was in the middle of a roaring comeback. Has he ever been here? Read
Read MoreThe DOW has NOT set new records
The so-called economic recovery supposedly is shown by the Dow Jones Industrial Average hovering around the 16,000 mark, the highest ever. It’s just below that number as I write. In fact, adjusted for inflation, the DJIA is the same as
Read MoreObamacare: National media finally turn on Obama — and Nancy Pelosi
The national media are finally done with covering up the incompetence of Barack Obama. Savor this amazing lead from Ron Fournier of National Journal, the former AP Washington bureau chief who still helps set conventional wisdom about national politics: “Incompetence,
Read MoreLAT, Sac Bee fracking coverage: Same old glaring omission
Here we go again. On Friday, the state government released its draft fracking regulations. And while in their coverage, the Sacramento Bee and the Los Angeles Times cited environmentalists’ dire warnings about fracking, the papers once again made a gigantic
Read More30,000-plus cancelled CA Kaiser plans hardly ‘cut-rate’
While the president has indirectly admitted that “if you like your health plan, you can keep it” isn’t true, his administration keeps up the deceit when it comes to other aspects of the Affordable Care Act. White House spokesman Jay
Read MoreMiracle: Sacramento MSM laments California’s mass poverty
For months, Cal Watchdog, U-T San Diego columnist Steven Greenhut and the U-T editorial page have drawn attention to the fact that under a new measure of poverty introduced by the Census Bureau in November 2012, California has the worst
Read MoreHigh tech may save CA, but it will definitely doom privacy
I’m all for technological advances. In fact, I’ve slowly come around to the wild-sounding idea that scientific breakthroughs just might save California from decline by creating so much wealth and free stuff that eventually we will live in what Slate
Read MoreCA suffers highest percentage of poor
This kind of puts a kink in Gov. Jerry Brown’s insistence that “California is back.” According to a new study by the U.S. Census Bureau, when housing is factored in, California has the nation’s highest poverty rate, at 23.8 percent.
Read MoreFracking: California should learn from Britain’s change of course
When it comes to green propaganda about hydraulic fracturing, it’s been a dead heat between New York state and Western Europe as to where the alarmists had the most clout. Mostly because of Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s dithering and pandering, nothing
Read MoreThe entitlement society Halloween
Perhaps because of my Gaelic Irish and Welsh heritage, I’ve always loved Halloween. Traditions from the old Celtic countries Wales, Brittany, Ireland, Cornwall, and the Isle of Man, influenced today’s Halloween customs. But today’s Halloween is a wee bit different
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