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Tag "African-Americans"

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CA Dems face election year divides

Conflicts over the spoils of Democratic leadership in California have come to define the party’s prospects and future in 2016 and beyond. Division and disagreement Falling victim to their extreme dominance in statewide politics, an increasing number of Democrats have sharpened their blades

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Elected CA Dems duck issue of police treatment of minorities

As protests in Oakland, Los Angeles and San Diego have shown, there are many Californians who are upset about what happened in Ferguson, Mo., with the police killing of an unarmed African-American youth. They’re also much more broadly concerned about

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Shakedown street: Jesse Jackson targets Silicon Valley — again

However one feels about the growing fuss over white and Asian dominance of U.S. tech work forces, there are some fundamental facts to consider, starting with: African-American students are less likely to graduate college with degrees in high-tech fields. This

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