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Tag "Calexit"

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California secession leader abandons movement and moves to Russia

One of the groups pushing for a California secession is abandoning their effort and the man who was leading the charge has moved to Russia. Louis Marinelli, president of the Yes California Independence Campaign, announced the news in an official

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More Californians would support CA secession

  More Californians — but slightly fewer Americans — would support the Golden State’s withdrawal from the Union, according to a new poll feeding attention around a nascent movement to achieve a lawful, peaceful secession. “About 32 percent of Californians

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CalWatchdog Morning Read – November 22

Democratic supermajority in Legislature Pension costs going up? Calexit initiative filed But do they know how hard secession would be? Silicon Valley picked the wrong candidate. Now what? Good morning. Happy Tuesday, also known informally around the CalWatchdog newsroom as “Almost

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‘Calexit’ would face vast legal obstacles

Two weeks after Donald Trump’s surprise win in the presidential election, dismayed Californians continue to talk up the idea of secession in op-eds, letters to the editor, social media and online comments. Each day, more of California’s vote comes in,

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