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Tag "Chris Reed"

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State Democrats’ internal rift persists

The tension between the progressive “Berniecrat” wing and the mainstream liberal wing of the California Democratic Party appears likely to resonate for years to come. That’s the clear takeaway from Bay Area political organizer’s Kimberly Ellis’ vow to keep contesting

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GOP lawmakers bet bullet train bad news will continue

Will news about the California bullet train’s cost overruns and missed construction deadlines remain the norm for years to come? Or will the state’s $64 billion project find a groove and make considerable progress in coming years? These are the

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Local governments in no mood for CalPERS’ happy talk

Last week’s announcement by the California Public Employees’ Retirement System that it had strong 11.2 percent returns on its investment portfolio in 2016-2017 after terrible returns the two preceding years prompted ebullience from the pension giant’s supporters. Sacramento Democratic insider

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CA Legislature may restore internet privacy rights rolled back by Washington

The California Legislature is considering effectively restoring internet privacy regulations in America’s largest state that were adopted for the entire nation under the Obama administration but were repealed in April. The measure by Assemblyman Ed Chau – Assembly Bill 375  –

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Los Angeles, San Francisco homeless woes worsen despite funding boosts

The homelessness problem has gotten steadily worse over the past two years in both Los Angeles and San Francisco – even as local officials devote more resources than ever to an issue they say is their highest priority. Both cities cite

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Downbeat Seattle minimum-wage study targeted by UC Berkeley labor center

In 2013, to shore up support for a plan to rapidly increase Seattle’s minimum wage, city leaders agreed to let a team of University of Washington researchers have access to troves of confidential payroll information so they could evaluate whether

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CSU grasps state-students-first message aimed at UC

University of California President Janet Napolitano has been under siege since March 2016, when state Auditor Elaine Howle released a report that showed that the UC system wasn’t honoring the principle that California students come first. Howle documented how, over

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Happy talk belies L.A. Unified’s grim financial picture

The board of the Los Angeles Unified School District passed a $7.5 billion 2017-18 budget this week on a 5-1 vote with Superintendent Michelle King touting the fact that the spending plan doesn’t include teacher layoffs or significant classroom disruptions.

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High-speed rail agency lacks leader at crucial juncture

Four months after then-California High Speed Rail Authority Chief Executive Jeff Morales told authority board members he was moving on and two months after Morales made his decision public, the agency overseeing the state’s $64 billion bullet train project hasn’t

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State elections chief denies NSA report of California hack

Who will Californians believe: Secretary of State Alex Padilla or the National Security Agency? That’s one way to boil down a flap that’s emerged this week over the sanctity of California’s 2016 elections. Beginning shortly after November’s election, Padilla has

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