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Tag "Department of Defense"

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Pentagon halts CA National Guard repayment demands

  Reeling from outrage over a costly bureaucratic misstep, the Pentagon has halted its efforts to force California National Guardsmen to personally repay salary bonuses that should not have approved in the first place.  As some observers concluded that only Congress could clean up

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CA center gives military new tech leap

Hoping to change the way the defense industry innovates, the Obama administration has pushed the Department of Defense much deeper into Silicon Valley. The Pentagon announced a sizable new investment anchored by a new Manufacturing Innovation Institute for Flexible Hybrid

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Greenhouse gas research nets Google jet fuel deal

California-based Google is a company famously flush with cash. Last year, the internet giant earned $50 billion in annual revenue for the first time. From that revenue, the company took home nearly $11 billion in earnings. These earnings, and Google’s

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