Tag "Department of General Services"

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LAO report: $1.3 billion state building plan lacks oversight

The $1.3 billion first phase of a project to build and modernize 11 state office buildings lacks adequate accountability and oversight and is behind schedule, according to a report.  The report, released by the non-partisan Legislative Analyst’s Office on Wednesday, identified three

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BOE building gremlins linger in ‘sick’ building

There must be gremlins living in the Board of Equalization building in downtown Sacramento. What else could explain burst water pipes, flooding, mechanical problems, bats, mold, and falling glass? BOE employees have complained for years of safety hazards and moldy,

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State-required reporting on LGBT businesses

May 1, 2012 By Katy Grimes Democrats in the Assembly passed a bill on Monday requiring the Department of General Services to collect and report information on lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender owned businesses in contracting with the state. The bill, AB

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