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Tag "governor’s race"

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In debate, Brown mocks Mississippi and Arkansas (i.e., the Clintons)

In Thursday night’s debate between Gov. Jerry Brown and Neel Kashkari, the candidates sounded pretty scripted until Brown was asked about California’s ability to deal with its huge pension shortfalls. Brown depicted that as an absurd question for a wealthy

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Mixed GOP reaction to Donnelly: Dumb-de-dumb-dumb

The California Republican Party is now very, very down on its luck. But I think state party chair Jim Brulte isn’t just blathering when he suggests the party can make at the least a modest comeback. The main reason for

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Governor’s race: Maldonado drops out

Former Lt. Gov. Abel Maldonado ended his campaign for governor of California on Thursday morning, leaving a conservative state legislator as the only Republican candidate in the race. Maldonado, the state’s most prominent Latino Republican, made the announcement where his

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