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Tag "Kevin Mullin"

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California bill would let 17-year-olds vote in all elections

California doesn’t have a particularly high opinion of the maturity of 18-year-olds, who can join the military but who can’t legally buy alcohol, tobacco, marijuana or firearms until they’re 21. But Assemblyman Evan Low (pictured), D-San Jose, wants to go

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Despite several big environmental wins during last days of session, one big bill got away

Democrats will walk away from the two-year legislative session that ended Thursday morning with a long list of environmental accomplishments — but still one got away.  A bill sponsored by Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de Leon, D-Los Angeles, would

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Assemblyman accused of wife beating receives awkward tribute from legislators

Over the last few days of the session, legislators pay tribute for their fellows who will not be in the chamber next year. And while the tributes range in length and tone — one legislator joked (?) about his romantic

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Is Democratic CA senate leader’s ammo-sales bill legal?

Legislative Democrats pushed through a gun-control measure last week that is almost certain to be challenged in court — where it’ll have a tough time surviving — all for the sake of what some claim is a political grudge. The Legislature

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Weeds could whack your house and job

Failure to keep up your property in California could damage your credit rating, prohibit you from buying or selling property, and hurt your ability to get or hold a job, thanks to a bill recently approved by the Legislature. Assembly

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