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Tag "minimum wage"

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Bill to increase CA minimum wage passes Senate

On Tuesday, a bill to increase the state’s minimum wage was approved by the state Senate. Senate Bill 3, jointly authored by state Senator Mark Leno, D-San Francisco, and Senator Connie M. Leyva, D-Chino, would raise the minimum wage to $11 per

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L.A. union leader wants exemption from new $15/hr wage

Just a week after the L.A. City Council voted in support of a $15 minimum wage, Rusty Hicks, the head of the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor and co-chair of the “Raise the Wage” campaign, has requested that unions be

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L.A. caps CA trend with $15 minimum wage vote

By a nearly unanimous vote, the Los Angeles City council voted to raise the city’s minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2020. As the biggest development yet in a nationwide labor effort meant to compensate for failed federal legislation,

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How will businesses react to L.A. minimum wage boost? 

The Los Angeles City Council tentatively voted to increase the city’s minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2020. The business community opposed the move. How business will react is unclear but there was much discussion during the debate over

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L.A. City Council votes to raise minimum wage to $15/hour

In a 14-1 vote, the Los Angeles City Council voted to raise the minimum wage in the city of Los Angeles to $15.00 per hour by 2020. Small businesses were given an additional one-year “phase in” period, requiring a $15.00

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Minimum wage debate heats up in Los Angeles

What if three different studies on the effects of a minimum wage increase in Los Angeles each came up with a different conclusion — who do you trust? That was a question asked at the Town Hall Los Angeles debate Thursday

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Minimum wage debate playing out in Los Angeles theaters

  “All the world’s a stage,” wrote William Shakespeare, and political theater on the hot topic of the minimum wage is playing out in smaller Los Angeles theaters. We’re not talking about minimum wage as the topic of a play,

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State senate committee approves minimum wage hike

California’s minimum wage workers will receive a 62.5 percent raise over three years if Senate Bill 3 is approved by the Legislature and signed by Gov. Jerry Brown. The Senate Labor and Industrial Relations Committee recently passed the bill on

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Committee passes double holiday pay bill

A bill requiring California businesses to provide double pay for employees working on Thanksgiving and Christmas recently passed the Assembly Labor and Employment Committee, despite concerns that it will further hurt the state’s business climate and may be unconstitutional. Assemblywoman

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Job cuts precede Seattle minimum-wage hike

In the past couple of years, many states and localities have been increasing minimum wages. It’s part of the American federalist system in which the 50 states are the “crucibles of democracy,” trying different things to see what happens. Seattle’s

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