Tag "PG&E"
Back to homepageState’s largest ‘community choice’ energy program takes a hit
The community choice aggregation (CCA) movement has built considerable momentum in California in recent years. In CCA programs, groups of local government agencies team up to take over decision-making on what sources of power to use in the local electric
Read MoreGov. Newsom pushes for quick action on wildfire plan
Gov. Gavin Newsom wants the Legislature to agree to sweeping reforms in wildfire liability rules by July 12, before lawmakers start a one-month recess. After first calling on legislative leaders to shape new policies to help investor-owned utilities deal with
Read MoreCommunity-choice local energy programs keep expanding
Community-choice energy programs – in which a local government or coalitions of local governments procure electricity and use the infrastructure of existing utilities to distribute it – are growing in popularity across California. Proponents say government control will lead to cheaper utility
Read MoreRegulators to consider breaking up scandal-plagued PG&E
A California Public Utilities Commission report that Pacific Gas & Electric failed to fulfill its responsibilities to properly maintain natural gas lines from 2012 to 2017 even after a natural gas explosion killed eight people in San Bruno in 2010
Read MorePG&E may have violated its criminal probation from San Bruno disaster
Pacific Gas & Electric – the giant investor-owned utility that serves 16 million Californians – appears to be facing its gravest crisis since its founding in 1905. The initial indications that PG&E’s equipment may have sparked the Camp Fire that killed at
Read MorePG&E may not survive latest wildfire without more state help
How much of wildfire costs not covered by insurance should be paid by California’s giant investor-owner utilities has been a significant issue since at least 2007. That’s when wildfires ravaged northern and eastern San Diego County, killing two people and
Read MoreWary of bankruptcy, PG&E seeks protection from wildfire costs
California’s three large investor-owned utilities are renewing efforts to allow them to make ratepayers cover the costs of wildfires that authorities blame on utilities’ mistakes or poor maintenance. Pacific Gas & Electric officials made this clear last week when they
Read MoreUtilities’ bid for help on wildfire costs finds renewed hope
California’s three giant investor-owned utilities haven’t given up on hopes that state leaders and regulators may give their shareholders the financial protection they want in an era of frequent massive wildfires linked to climate change – and their hopes don’t seem
Read MorePG&E says ratepayers should pay for disaster it may have started
Pacific Gas & Electric and its shareholders could face a huge financial blow from this month’s massive wildfires in the wine country of Northern California – unless they can get the state Public Utilities Commission to overturn a recent precedent-setting ruling
Read MoreHow California Senate leader’s 100% renewable energy bill lost its way
From pioneering air-pollution control programs in Los Angeles County in the 1940s to setting nationally copied standards on fuel efficiency and emissions to the 2006 passage of AB32, the state’s landmark anti-global warming law, California has long been proud of
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