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Tag "Proposition 2"

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Props 1, 2 would have marginal effect in adding housing

It’s been two and a half years since Gov. Jerry Brown jolted the debate on California’s housing crisis by saying much more private-sector construction was the only realistic way to address the crisis, not the old Democratic recipe of building

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State may face $29-43 billion budget deficit in 2020

In Gov. Jerry Brown’s State of the State Address last week, he noted that California’s budget has repeatedly failed to prepare for recession, resulting in “painful and unplanned-for cuts” to schools, child care, courts, social services and other programs. He

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Absurd Prop 2 provision shows extent of teacher unions’ clout

If you want an example of just how powerful the teachers unions are in Sacramento, consider Proposition 2. The measure was placed on the November ballot by the Legislature at the urging of Gov. Jerry Brown, who depicts it with

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