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Tag "Ray LaHood"

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LOL: Feds now tout 'higher-performing' rail, not bullet train

The federal government has long asserted that its provision of $3 billion-plus in 2009 “stimulus” funds to California for its bullet train is strictly governed by rules that will ensure the money is properly spent on viable high-speed rail projects

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Blame sequester theater, not sequester, for threat to CA beach

Sequestration theater — the Obama administration’s attempt to make a de facto freeze on overall government spending as painful and inconvenient as possible — is absolutely real. It’s not an invention of the president’s GOP critics. Just look at the

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Most East Coast media misjudge CA bullet train

Feb. 19, 2013 By Chris Reed The immense perception gap between East Coast and West Coast journalists when it comes to reporting on the Golden State was never in sharper relief than in 2003. If you were in California, the

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Arnold as U.S. transportation secretary? Talk about karma!

Jan. 2, 2013 By Chris Reed A little more than a year ago, U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood surprised the inside-the-Beltway set by telling a Chicago reporter who asked if he would come back for a second Obama term that

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Bullet-train boondoggle yields a Cabinet-level delusion

Dec. 9, 2012 By Chris Reed A House committee hearing Thursday at which Republicans vowed to use their majority to block new federal funding for California’s bullet-train train wreck produced this astounding passage in The Washington Post: “We’re not giving

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Bullet Trains, Green Jobs and ‘The War Between Data and Storytelling’

May 15, 2012 By Chris Reed SAN DIEGO — The smug, insufferably superior politics of the faculty lounge have gone mainstream on the Left in the past decade to the point where many “progressive” pundits and Democratic lawmakers openly act

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Spain’s High-Speed Boondoggle

John Seiler: Spain also has wasted money on a high-speed rail boondoggle, one they actually built. The Bee ran an article on it that tried to make the Iberian choo-choo sound better than it is. But the facts still were

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