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Tag "Starbucks"

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CA recycled water scheme a tough sell

Looking for an edge in coping with California’s drought, officials around the state have embarked on a public relations campaign for recycled drinking water. Proponents of the new push hoped to capitalize on the bad publicity hitting the bottled water industry, where

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Despite strong profits, Farmer Bros. gives up on CA

A highly profitable coffee distribution and production company with deep roots in Los Angeles County and a national clientele is closing its primary Los Angeles facility and preparing to move to Texas or one of several states promising lower taxes,

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I’m going to Starbucks to support gun rights!

Feb. 22, 2013 By John Seiler When my work is done today, I’m heading off to Starbucks to patronize their fine coffee. Three of their ships are half a mile of where I live. That’s because today is the day

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