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Tag "Supply Side economics"

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Art Laffer: Dems understand taxes too high

Cal Watchdog Editor-in-Chief Brian Calle talks to legendary business thinker Art Laffer about Democrats coming around to the downside of heavy taxation in the latest Cal Watchdog video available here and on YouTube. The first part of this interview can

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California-bred supply-side economics is coming back

Oct. 23, 2012 By Chriss Street The Great Recession was primarily caused by the collapse in economic demand as 70 million baby boomers born between 1946 and 1964 moved out of their peak spending years in their mid-30s to mid-50s

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Jerry Brown: ‘Governor 13.3%’

John Seiler: A Wall Street Journal editorial headline today branded Gov. Jerrry Brown: “Governor 13.3%.” That’s the percentage California’s top income tax rate would be if he finagles voters into passing his tax hike this November. It’s a great headline.

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