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Tag "Washington – D.C."

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S.F. suburb’s unique anti-crime strategy has outside skeptics

A gritty Bay Area coastal suburb’s unique program to deter violent crime — including paying people with criminal backgrounds, using donated funds, to stay on the straight and narrow — is winning national attention. The program has its roots in

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D.C. can’t even provide itself with clean water

Washington, D.C. rules California, America — the world. Yet this from the Washington Post: “Residents and business owners in parts of upper Northwest Washington are being advised to continue boiling their water through Friday after a pumping station lost power,

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Silicon Valley loses to DC as richest area

Jan. 28, 2013 By John Seiler Until recently, Silicon Valley enjoyed the highest median income in the United States. That makes sense. The world’s most vibrant industry is run by 180-IQ nerds who pull down millions and billions. Not anymore.

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