California Debates Its Nuclear Future
OCT. 29, 2010 By KATY GRIMES California faces an energy conundrum: The 2006 global warming law AB32, dictates the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions back to 1990 levels, by 2020. However, with the demand for electricity increasing, state energy experts are
Read MoreMWD Chairman In The Tank
Please see the comments and corrections posted at the end of this story. OCT. 13, 2010 By WAYNE LUSVARDI An old fashioned method of water conservation was to put a brick in the water tank of your toilet. The Metropolitan
Read MoreKick the NFL through the goalposts of California
John Seiler: Oct. 6, 2010 At a time when governments and citizens of California are bankrupt, the NFL could build at least one incredibly expensive stadium in the Bay Area: $735 million for the Oakland Raiders (formerly the L.A. Traitors).
Read MoreBig Green Dries Out Big Valley
OCT. 1, 2010 By STEVEN GREENHUT When most people think of California, they think obviously enough about the populous and influential coastal cities, from the gleaming Southern California coast to the Bay Area. But east of the coastal ranges and
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