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CARB, Nichols Ignore Global COOLING

John Seiler:

In California, everything is upside down.

On Friday, the California Air Resources Board clicked its jackboots and ordered one in seven Calfornia cars to be “ultra clean” by 2025. That means “battery electric, hydrogen fuel cell and plug-in hybrid vehicles.”

It’s supposed to cut the greenhouse gases that supposedly cause global warming.

CARB Commissar Mary Nichols explained, “Today’s vote … represents a new chapter for clean cars in California and in the nation as a whole.” Of course, there was no vote by the people of California. They never would have done so. The vote was by the CARB Politburo.

Meanwhile, back in the real world, the real threat is global cooling, which has occurred every several hundred years in recent earth history. Reported the Daily Mail Sunday, “The supposed ‘consensus’ on man-made global warming is facing an inconvenient challenge after the release of new temperature data showing the planet has not warmed for the past 15 years.

“The figures suggest that we could even be heading for a mini ice age to rival the 70-year temperature drop that saw frost fairs held on the Thames in the 17th Century.

“Based on readings from more than 30,000 measuring stations, the data was issued last week without fanfare by the Met Office and the University of East Anglia Climatic Research Unit. It confirms that the rising trend in world temperatures ended in 1997.”

Global “warming” is supposed to be caused by industrialization. Yet the past 15 years, 1997-2012, has been the most intense era of industrialization in history. China, India, Brazil and Russia have advanced by leaps and bounds as they put way behind them their socialist pasts. They want the good life capitalism brings through industrialization, and they don’t care about Mary Nichols, CARB, Gov. Moonbeam, Arnold Schwarzenegger, President Obama, Al Gore or any of the Western Luddites obsessed with global “warming” during a time of global cooling.

‘Cold Summers’

The Daily Mail continued: “Meanwhile, leading climate scientists yesterday told The Mail on Sunday that, after emitting unusually high levels of energy throughout the 20th Century, the sun is now heading towards a ‘grand minimum’ in its output, threatening cold summers, bitter winters and a shortening of the season available for growing food.

“Solar output goes through 11-year cycles, with high numbers of sunspots seen at their peak.

“We are now at what should be the peak of what scientists call ‘Cycle 24’ – which is why last week’s solar storm resulted in sightings of the aurora borealis further south than usual. But sunspot numbers are running at less than half those seen during cycle peaks in the 20th Century.

“Analysis by experts at NASA and the University of Arizona – derived from magnetic-field measurements 120,000 miles beneath the sun’s surface – suggest that Cycle 25, whose peak is due in 2022, will be a great deal weaker still.”

Here in Southern California, we’ve been enjoying balmy weather, with temperatures around 80 degrees Fahrenheit in recent days. 

I’m enjoying it now. Because in  couple of years I’ll be wearing a parka in July. While Mary Nichols and Jerry Brown force me into a fire-hazard Government Motors Chevy Volt car I can’t afford — all to combat global “warming” that’s really cooling. 

Jan. 30, 2012


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