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Tax and Spend, Tax and Spend

John Seiler:

Shouldn’t frugality be the order of the day? The state faces a $20 budget deficit and Gov. Jerry Brown is pushing a $9 billion tax increase.

Not for our Legislature! For them, the tax increases exist to waste even more money. It’s the same old “tax and spend, tax and spend, tax and spend….”

The Bee reports:

But this year Democrats are refusing to go along with Gov. Jerry Brown’s most controversial reductions, spurning his demand to have cuts in place by March.

They oppose Brown’s plan to halve the amount of time that unemployed adults can receive welfare-to-work benefits and to slash grants to children. Assembly Democrats have voted against his proposal to cut scholarship aid for 26,000 low-income students through higher grade requirements for Cal Grants.

“Brown wanted lawmakers to fast-track his cuts again because he said the state can save more money the earlier it reduces programs. But Assembly Democrats have rejected welfare and Cal Grant cuts, while Senate Democrats say they will wait until at least May before making any real decisions.”

Hey, it’s just the taxpayers’ money. All those people out there are bunch of greedy, money-grubbers who should be looted even more.

And notice when this is happening. The tax increases — Gov.Jerry Brown’s and legal activist Molly Munger’s — are being sold as funding education.

So, the Legislature is blowing more money now. That way, later on, the tax increases — if they pass — would be funneled to education.

It’s just a shell game.

March 27, 2012



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John Seilerlegislaturetax increasesJerry Brown

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