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CCPOA pays pittance

A couple of weeks ago, I reported that the California Correctional Peace Officers Association has been stiffing the state for $4 million. It’s supposed to reimburse the state for the salaries and costs of its leaders, who are on the government payroll but spend their time on union business. The state has repeatedly billed the union and has been repeatedly rebuffed since 2006. The Schwarzenegger administration has threatened to sue. The Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation send me the following statement last week:

“CCPOA delivered a check to CDCR Secretary Matthew Cate for $81,000 as a partial payment, and indicated more payments would follow. CDCR will still seek the full amount as specified in the Jan. 28, 2010 letter.”

That’s something, I suppose, but the administration should seek full payment immediately.

–Steven Greenhut

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