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Arnold goes home

MAY 27, 2010 It’s nice to see Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger get back to his true constituency now and then. That constituency is, of course, Hollywood, that wonderful factory of dreams and fantasies that turned an Austrian body-builder who could barely

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State to foist inmates on counties

MAY 27, 2010 By LAURA SUCHESKI Although state legislators say that state-to-county unfunded mandates are illegal, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger wants to use an exemption in sentencing laws to force counties to take title to state law offenders. On Wednesday, the

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CA budget tops sensible limits

MAY 27, 2010 By JOHN SEILER Budget time. So I thought I would revisit an analytical tool I devised a few years ago to help better understand the California state budget. Back in the early 2000s, I was pouring over

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Another reason for biz to leave Cal

Wasn’t Obamacare supposed to reduce medical costs for families and businesses? I’m sure its supporters will say we just have to wait until 2014 when it’s fully implemented — and, after that, “single payer” socialized medicine. Meanwhile, health insurance costs

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Response To Steinberg Staffer’s Response

After a CalWatchdog story last week about Democrat Senate Pro Tem President Darrell Steinberg’s response to a constituent’s letter expressing her dismay that he would encourage a boycott of Arizona’s businesses because of the recent immigration law passed, (Senator Steinberg

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The Great Green Job Mystery

I used to think Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger‘s favorite word was “jobs.” But after reading this press release his office sent out today, I’d have to say it’s actually “green.” “California is already seeing green job growth but we must continue

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