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Meg = AB32ifornia

John Seiler:

As I’m sure you heard, California’s new official name is AB32ifornia. The whole state, from the economy to the very centers of our families, is to be remade by AB32, the Global Warming Jobs Killing Schwarzenführer Act of 2006. It stipulates, “Every job in AB32ifornia must be destroyed so people stop hurting the environment and survive by eating tree bark, at least until we ban that, too.”

After an indecisive period reminiscent of Gray “the Panicker” Davis, Meg finally opposed Prop. 23, which would repeal AB 32. It probably cost her $40 million in focus group polling to make up her mind. Her reasoning, “What do I care if jobs are destroyed? I’m a billionairess. I’ll be able to cut my maid’s pay.”

Her opponent, Jerry “Men are from Mars, I’m from the Moon” Brown also opposes Prop. 23. So, on the most important issue of the day — repealing AB 32 and saving our jobs — the candidates take the same position.

There’s no choice. There’s no democracy. And soon, there’s no jobs in AB32ifornia.

Sept. 24, 2010

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